I want to see the healing power of the Holy Spirit in indie music culture. I want to see it happen today.
Webinar 12 | 2021
The Holy Spirit in Indie Music Culture
How much time do we spend talking about the change we want to see in the world? Let alone do anything about it?
This webinar discusses:
- The pursuit of transcendence, both good and bad.
- The powerful result that comes from the combination of holiness and anticipation.
- How a healed heart can transform a nation.
- How you can partner with Har Adonai.
Music. How are you doing?
We’re going to begin and I am just working on the presentation, so see here.
All right, good. We got everything going. That’s great.
Okay, who is here?
All right, we’re going to begin in about a few more seconds.
Alright, so let us begin.
We’re talking about Holy Spirit and indie music culture today. I’m Adam Lee Rosenfeld. Adam Lee Rosenfeld, and I am a musician and artist with a music project called hall and I Har Adonai means Mountain of the Lore. And we’re going to talk a little bit more about me. If you’re already here, you’ve received an invitation and you’ve been invited here.
So you know a little bit about what this is about. And I’m glad that you are here.
We’re going to talk about, let’s see if you want to do something in life, if you have a pursuit that you’re into, there’s many ways you can get to what you’re doing. Maybe it’s your employment or maybe it’s some sort of pursuit, but it’s really good to get connected with why you’re doing it. People talk a lot about getting connected with your why. And I realized that I need to get connected with my wife of making music. And once I did, I decided I wanted to build a partnership network.
And this is what this is about. It’s a way that we can just communicate here.
We’re going to begin to talk about the Holy Spirit and your music culture. So I hope everybody can see the slides and you can hear me. This is the first time we’re doing one of these, so we’re just checking out the tech here. Let’s begin. The first thing I want to talk about is the idea of transcendence.
And it started to be something I began thinking about when I heard a Ted talk from a psychologist by the name of Jonathan Hayte. And he talks about experiences, people pursuing experiences that let them escape the world that they’re in and go higher. He talked about something like an upper chamber, upper room that people go to that they want to transcend their normal experience. And he even talked about he referred to a kind of ecstasy in combat that was reported from soldiers in World War II in combat, from a writer named Glenn Gray who collected accounts of soldiers. They had this ecstatic experience where people transcend it.
And I think that all of us really are in pursuit of transcendence in some way. And it makes you think of David King David, because in the Bible, King David, one of the things he talked about is that he was created to gaze upon God’s beauty. And he was created to do something, to see something that we don’t see regularly. So he’s positioning himself to say, I want to see something beyond what is around me, the reality that is around me. I want to transcend the reality that is around me and experience something beyond that, something that I would argue is greater than that.
So this whole meeting here, this whole encounter, this pursuit, my why, it has to do with transcendence, it has to do with transcending, the reality around us. And I have this little image that really helps me think about transcendence in music. Now, this is a picture, this is an illustration from the record Wings Over America, from the band Wings, which is Paul McCartney’s band after the Beatles. Now, I like this picture and to me it’s like an image of transcendence, transcendence and music. Now, this is not something that is acknowledging the sovereignty of God and the character of Yeshua, which are key to what I’m talking about.
But it’s just kind of cool. These guys are playing and there’s people there and there’s an event happening. You can see the drummer, he looks like he’s going out into space. And we got Linda McCartney on the keyboards. It looks like she’s worshipping there.
Now, I don’t think that’s what was intended to be communicated in this picture, but for me, it really helps me. It helps me as a reference. I long to be in some sort of gathering, some sort of event where together we transcend the world around us. But there’s a way to do that. There’s a meaning that needs to be involved here.
So let me talk about it a little bit first. I just want to talk about indie music. I’ve mentioned it. I mentioned it in our emails, in our connection. Indie music, indie music.
I keep on going back, keep on saying it. What is indie music? And indie music is short for independent music, but really, indie music is a part of music. There’s a music culture, the music industry, there’s a lot of genres of music out there. You have hiphop and pop music and rock music and all kinds of things, and indie music is a part of that.
And what you’ll find is that a good percentage of popular artists are indie artists, especially if you look at Grammy winners like artists like Bonn IVR and the War on Drugs and many other artists. They come from this culture of indie music.
But when I talk about transcendence, I want to see an encounter between that indie music culture sure. In the Holy Spirit, the character and power of God.
So I want to start by describing I want to start what I want to say by saying it’s a great way to start a talk, great way to start a presentation is I have a dream. Not unlike the famous Martin Luther King speech, I have a dream and I’m coming to you today with a dream that I have. But here’s the thing. It’s a literal dream. I literally had a dream.
I want to sit on this for a second.
What is the significance of dreams in our life? I really thought about this after reading a book about the life of Crazy Horse, the parallel lives of Crazy Horse and Custard, general Custer and Crazy Horse, the Native American warrior who was known for defeating Custer. A Little Big Horn. And a wonderful book, I think it’s just called Crazy Horse and Custer by Steve Ambrose. Excellent book.
But as it talks about the story of Crazy Horse coming from the Lakota tribe or the Sioux tribe of Native Americans, a lot of emphasis is put on one’s vision. Someone has to go out and seek a vision and have a vision, and that’s a part of your identity. Your identity gets defined once you get the vision. And then you go on and you see that in many ways, crazy Horse’s life followed this vision that he got. Now, we tend to think about getting ideas from elsewhere, from more concrete places, but there is a value to be placed in dreams.
And I literally had a dream of this transcendence that I’m talking about and that had an instrumental part in who I am today. Because I had that dream, and I believe that it was given to me from the Lord. And I’ll explain why in that dream. It’s a pretty simple, short dream. I saw the auditorium from my elementary school growing up.
And on the stage in the auditorium, or these guys I’m going to show you, these guys were Yoni and Jessia Wolf. They were on the stage in the auditorium.
Who are these guys? These guys are my childhood friends. In fact, their father is the one who leads the congregation that I grew up in. But they’re also prominent artists in indie music culture. They’ve done a lot in indie music culture.
And they’ve created some works that are considered to be some of the greatest indie songs, really, of the whole genre. And they’re not walking with the Lord.
I think we’re going to talk about them again at some other point. There’s a point to talk about the connection with these guys, but in the dream, they were on a stage and they were worshipping. And here’s the thing. As they were worshiping, I felt the greatest joy in worship. And it was a joy in worship that I had not experienced outside of that dream.
I did not experience in the world, this concrete world that we live in. I experienced it only in this dream. I transcended all my known experiences, and in that dream experienced a joyful worship that I had not experienced elsewhere. And that is why I believe just from logical deduction that that dream was from the Lord. Because God allowed me to transcend everything I knew with the joy of worshiping, this dream.
So they’re worshiping and the microphone cables are flying, and it was just wonderful joyful worship. And they invite me to join them, and I come on stage and I worship with them. And it was just the greatest moment. And that dream was so powerful that it gave me a drive to do what I do and to be with you here today. So I just want to take a pause when I ask anybody if you could just write in the comments that the audio is okay.
Is the audio okay? Are you guys hearing me okay? So just take a moment and just say yes or no about the audio if you can. I just want to really check on this audio. Okay, good.
So I had this dream, and this dream was so powerful that I wanted to it was a guidance in life. Okay. It’s something I want to pursue now. A little bit about me for the past 15 years at least, coming on 20 years, really, I’ve been involved in indie music. I have different projects, different music projects.
One with the project, I came out with a song and it was put on this prestigious compilation called This Is Indie Rock by Deep Elm Records. And at the time, that was like a real good salvo kick off for my music career. Here I come out with my first big song and all of a sudden I’m on this is indie rock compilation. I had a band called The Pit that Became a Tower. We put on an album called Behold the Unseen.
Here’s the band. This is part of what I did. We came out another album called The Pineapple Fields. We did what’s it called. We toured the United States.
We played a little bit of festivals. Later on, I changed the name of The Pit that became a terror. I changed it to Hollywood. And I’d already gone through a lot in life at this point. I even experienced severe hearing Loss on the way.
So I’m actually making music with hearing loss. Put out a release called Blue Pegasus and some more releases came out. And this is where we are today. I just want to say, I’ve been doing music for really for a good 20 years, and it’s time to really approach this as a partnership, to see a kingdom transformation in the culture. This is to go beyond, listen to my new album, listen to my new song.
It’s about partnering together to see a real change. Okay? And so this is my dream. Like, I just shared it with you, and it’s my mandate, and I want to just dwell for another moment on this. We’ve already talked about a Crazy Horse.
Crazy Horse getting his vision and following that vision in life. And I don’t necessarily believe that was a divine Holy Spirit moment, the vision that he had, but I just use it to say that sometimes we need more to drive us in life. We need something beyond what people tell us. There’s a term I live in Jerusalem, and I want to address this term. There’s a term, it’s a derogatory term.
It’s an offensive term called Saji, which stands for self appointed Jerusalem Intercessor. And what we have is we have people coming to Jerusalem and saying, I come here as an intercessor to be in Jerusalem. And people say, like, who are you? Who are you to come and appoint yourself as an intercessor for Jerusalem? And I’m here to say, how else are they going to do it?
We are called by the word of God to be intercessors. And so how else but to be self appointed, or got appointed, really?
If we read the word of God and we want to do what he would have us do, some people are going to think that we’re self appointed, that we’re saying, oh, this is my dream and I’m going to follow it. But I don’t have any other way to explain this. This is a mandate that I received from God. You can call it me saying I’m a self appointed indie rock prophet or I don’t know, what do you want to call it? But I’m saying this is the only way.
The only way that I know to get called to a higher calling is to receive a dream and a mandate from the Lord. It’s some sort of a transcending experience, and I had that.
Now let’s kind of dig into what I’m saying.
So I have a desire to see the Holy Spirit in indie music culture, with the healing power of the Holy Spirit in indie music culture. But there’s a problem, or maybe not a problem, but there’s an important note that we can’t make the Holy Spirit do anything. I can’t stand here and say that I am going to solve this. I’m going to find a way to make the Holy Spirit do something I can’t. But here’s what we can do.
We can pursue holiness. And let’s rest on this for a moment. There’s a reason I call my band my music project. It’s primarily just me. There’s some wonderful people who helped me along the way.
But this project is primarily my project, and I call it Hard On. I har adonai means Mountain of the Lord, and it comes from the scripture. By the way, Mount Zion, Mountain of the Lord. Mount Zion is right across the valley from where I live and from where I’m standing right now. If we were to step outside, there’s a valley and then there’s Mount Zion.
And the scripture says, who may ascend the Mountain of the Lord, he who has clean hands and a pure heart.
This name came about because I want continuous communion with the Lord. I want to walk continually of holiness and not believe that holiness is unattainable. Because we have a kind of dichotomy in culture, at least I experience it in Israeli culture, we’re on the hand, we’re religious. We have religious people who say, well, we should be holy, but we can’t. Only the really special rabbis are holy.
And then you have secular people who are saying, well, we can’t be holy, so why bother being holy? Anyway. And the thing in common is we’re not holy. But guess what? We have an invitation to be holy.
We were made holy by the blood of Yeshua. And I love King David saying to God, created me a pure heart. Such boldness. He says after his sin, he says to the Lord, you created me a pure heart. It’s not, Oh, I got to get my heart pure after the horrible things I’ve done.
And maybe God will still like me. No, he’s just coming with his faith to God and saying, you created me at your heart. I said this because all of us, me, this project I’m doing, and everybody here who’s called to partner with me, we all have access to Hole in it. And so what we can do is that we can position ourselves at Hole is we can live clean lives. It’s as easy and as hard as that sounds.
But we have everything we need to do that his grace is sufficient for us, and holiness plus anticipation. So the groundwork, the preparation is to live lives of holiness. But then we need to create a moment of anticipation for the Holy Spirit to come. And this is our duty as a royal priesthood. In one Peter 29, it says, we’re called to be a royal priesthood.
And so this is where I really need the help.
We’re called to lives of holiness and may we live those lives. But now what I’m trying to do is create some sort of moment, create some sort of event where we anticipate the Holy Spirit to come, in fact, where the Holy Spirit come even now as I’m speaking. But this is our duty as a priesthood. I’ve heard a great teaching, great references about how Aaron the priest, the ironic or Levitic order, was tasked with bringing people in, into holiness, into the communion with God, and even tweaking about how they carry the arc, they carry the poles, they carry the physical things, they carry the physical into the holy. And so we’re carried to bring others into the holy, to create an environment of anticipation for Holy Spirit.
And here’s the thing, I’ve seen this happen before, and I’m not just talking about it. Worship services, that’s great. I hope all of us have experienced the Holy Spirit in worship services. But I’ve experienced this in the darkest rock clubs with a previous band that I was in. I was in a punk band, a hardcore punk band, noise, screaming, you name it, called My Name is Nobody.
But we didn’t relent or we didn’t water down the message. And the message was a message of kingdom. And we saw moments where people were on their knees worshipping in dark rock clubs in Tel Aviv. And I just want to get back there. To be honest with you, I miss it.
So let’s talk about culture.
It’s easy or kind of like an easy way out to receive the Lord to go to a congregation and get involved in the culture. I believe that whenever there’s a move of god, a culture gets built around it. The move of god is what is all god. It’s all him. The culture comes from man, and it’s not necessarily good or bad.
It’s just what it is because we’re human. This is our response. But it would be wrong to ignore excuse me, it would be wrong to ignore your culture. This is a lesson that took me years to learn. I tried to ignore my culture.
I said, I grew up a certain way. I grew up with a certain kind of music, kind of art. And so today I’m calling it indie music culture. That’s a good name for it. It involves skateboarding culture and art and even cinema.
I come from a lot of that stuff, and I just decided that that’s not going to work with the kingdom of god. And I got rid of it. I said, I’ll just embrace the culture that I find in my fellowship or the ministry I’m involved with. Problem is, it didn’t work. I didn’t fit in, and it created a lot of problems.
And I finally realized that my culture is my culture, and I’m looking to share this cultural experience. I’m looking for partners who come from the same culture of any music culture and want to see the culture changed. Okay. And there’s a problem with my culture, like you see on the slide, is that indie music culture breaks my heart. So the culture that I come from is grieving the holy spirit.
The holy spirit in me. Grieving the spirit that’s in me. And let’s talk a little bit about why. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but one reason is sexual morality.
In the music culture, people are just taking these cheap shots they’re using to create sensation, to create enticement, to stir people up. And it grew soul, grew the spirit, or you just plain rebellion. Rebellion has been a part of defiance and profanity that’s been a part of culture, I want to say, since the 60s, rebellious music and rebellious music culture, but really it’s been around since the golden calf and beyond. So it’s another one of indie culture that’s given to rebellion to a degree. And another point is drugs.
I don’t know how much we need to talk about this, but people are mixing the experience of any music culture with a chemical experience to experience something in their brains, to alleviate pain and even the occult.
It has a degree of power to it. I don’t want to dwell on this too much, because the real power, the victorious power, comes from god, comes from the holy spirit, but people involve power in the culture as well. Okay? And this is not all of indie music culture. There’s plenty of fun.
I can spend the next hour recommending great music that isn’t done by believers that does not have these things in it that I’m fine with. But if you really immerse yourself in any music culture and you say, I’m going to go be a part of the culture, you won’t take long before you’re going to run into these things. Very quickly you’re going to run into one of these things.
But they all lend themselves to the search for transcendence. Everything I just mentioned sexual morality, rebellion, defiance, drugs, even the occult people, they’re just trying to transcend the world around them. Maybe they have jobs that they don’t particularly like and they want to go to the club to see a concert and somehow transcend what they go beyond their lives. People are looking for transcendence these evil things. They’re not there for no reason.
There is a reason, and the reason is transcendence. The reason is to experience something greater, to alleviate pain. And therefore I really believe in the mandate to give the people in indie music culture something better, but something holy. Indie music culture is my culture. If that hasn’t been cleared by now, I wanted to communicate that.
So where am I at right now? We’re going to move on. Where am I in relation to this?
We’re not done. I want to talk a little bit more about culture. Revelation 21 24 and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it. This is a reference to the New Jerusalem. Do you know what the New Jerusalem is going to look like?
It’s a new Jerusalem. We talked about some revelation and let’s imagine ourselves stepping into the New Jerusalem. And the New Jerusalem is an entirely new place with new experiences. Well, it says that the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it. That means that existing glory and existing honor that exists on the earth is going to be gathered up and brought into the New Jerusalem.
That means that the best of the cultures of the world, I guess, given that it doesn’t violate the character of God, is going to be brought in to the New Jerusalem. And so here’s an anecdote for you. Barack Obama is a former US president, whatever you think about him. And every year he shares a playlist of songs that he liked for that year. He just did it right now.
And a big chunk of that music is indie music. So we have this former US president who really loves indie music. So if you could consider him a king on the earth, or if the New Jerusalem came the time when he was in office, you could see him bringing indie music into the new Jerusalem. That’s a stretch, but it’s a mental exercise. What’s the result of the transcendence that we want to see?
We want to create transcendence. We want to provide it for indie music culture. But what’s the result? What are we going to end up with?
A healed heart?
We want to see people healed. I want to see people going to the rock club on the weekend and not escaping their problems by substance abuse and immersing themselves in some sort of culture, even if it’s relatively innocent, but trying to lose themselves in a way where they just end up lost. But there’s a way where we can lose ourselves to God and end up in a better place.
We could end up with a healed heart. We go to the rock club, we go to the music festival and we get an encounter. And if we get encounter with the Holy Spirit, we can get healed. So could you imagine somebody saying, hey, I was at a great show last night and I encountered the Holy Spirit instead of, Hey, I got wasted? And if we have that healed heart, what happens then?
It brings healing to our families. An individual with a healed heart in a family does good to the family and brings healing to the family. Families with healed hearts bring healing to the communities. Okay? We have stronger, better communities.
And the communities of the healed heart bring healing to a nation.
I want no less than this. I want through what I’m doing in this sphere, to bring in holiness, anticipation for the Holy Spirit, to have the Holy Spirit come, to bring healing to people’s hearts, to see families, communities and nations healed. That’s what I want to see. This is what we’re talking about. Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about the problem.
Very simply, there’s obstacles. I’ve told you about my mandate. I’ve told you what I want to see. I’ve shared my heart with you. And let’s talk a little bit about the obstacles that are in the way.
Nehemiah 1310, each of the Levites and the singers who did the work had gone back to his field. And so this is from Nehemiah. Nehemiah, he’s got a mandate. He wants to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. And during this time, the people who had the roles, the Levitical roles and the Singers and the musicians, so to speak, they were not doing their job.
They were not doing what their mandate was. They were dealing with their issues in the field. Now I want to pause and I want to be very clear do not believe that we are in the Lividocal priesthood right now. I don’t believe that the Iranic priesthood applies to the people of Israel.
This is my understanding. This is theology. We can discuss this. But I believe that the ironical priesthood came to a sort of close and now we have the restoration of the order of Malquisadek, or Malquisetic in Hebrew. I believe that the reason one thing that really inspires me here is because I believe that we’re all priests.
We’re all royal priests according to one Peter 29, not just Levites. So we’re all called to be royal priesthoods, but also it also says we’re not levite, so we’re not getting the ties that levite got. The levite got, that doesn’t apply in a strict sense. I use an example to say am busy working in my field. My job is a part of a marketing agency.
That’s what I do. I’m attending to my affairs to meet my needs, to generate resources for my family, and I am not pursuing this, pursuing this mandate full time or anything, you know what I mean? I need help to do the work that needs to be done. A little background of what I have been doing. So I already shared with you, I told you for about 20 years I’ve been doing music, but things kind of waned.
Things kind of slowed down when I had my hearing loss, and in 2017, I turned 40. And around that time, I said, I have got to get back to doing my music. And so I just looked for whatever musical gear I could find in some haphazard way, and set up music here in the house, and tried to somehow do some of my music. And here’s a fun note. I’ve written more songs since my hearing loss than I have before my hearing loss.
God has blessed me in that way, and so at first I thought I wouldn’t be able to do music at all, and for some reason, even with severe hearing loss and ringing my ears, I’m able to do music. And so I started trying to get things going in 2017, a lot of trial of error. By the time 2020 came along, I finally had a full length album. That album is now as golden. You can listen to it in all the streaming platforms, and I’m really excited about that.
I’m really happy. I work with some great people on it, some people who are very prominent in indie rock music, and some local people in israel that I’ve always been wanting to work with. And I’m blessed you got to do that. Skip over to 2021. I started creating an active social media strategy, doing all kinds of content and video, and I’m really proud of what got done in 2021.
And I even did another little release of what I call demo recordings, kind of stripped down versions of my songs. It was called hang around, and a series of recordings called best practices, which I want to keep doing. But by the time july came around, I was burnt out. I had very real burnout. Burnout.
It’s not depression, it’s not fatigue. It’s a very specific thing. It was burnout. That’s what I had, and that was in july 2021. And since then, I have not really gotten back on the horse as an active musician.
In fact, I put things aside so that I could be here now and sharing what I’m sharing with you, and create the groundwork for that. I found that to be more important. Before I continue, I want to ask for your partnership before I continue, because this takes time, it takes money, it takes resources, and it takes energy to do these things, to do what I’m setting out to do. So I want to take a moment, I want to tell you what I do have to throw at the problem.
I have songs. I actually have a whole new album recorded. I have ten new songs. When I say it recorded, we have to still finish vocals and some light overdubs of percussion and then do mixing and mastering. But it’s tending songs.
And in today’s music industry, you can do a lot with a song. It used to be like, here, listen to my new album. But now if you say, listen to my new album and you just put it on there, people don’t really listen to it. You have to really build up hyper on each song, and you could actually build up a month’s worth of content for each song, and you could do a song a month for ten months. So basically, having a new album, you can stay in touch with the audience for about a year with a new album.
And I have that done to the degree that it’s done, I need the vocals and percussion done. One thing I have is what I developed over the years is the process. It’s a 16 step process of doing music, and it involves social media, posting and stories. It involves taking snippets of your life and creating art and photo shoots and live shows and live streams, making videos, collaborating with other artists, songwriting sessions, rehearsals, email, merchandise, you’re doing your website, doing a Facebook ad strategy, spotify playlisting and blog promo. Take a deep breath.
But these are a whole bunch of things that I have worked into my process, so I know what needs to be done to a great degree. I have a plan. It’s just a refinement of an existing plan that I’ve already been working on. And finally, what I have is my voice and my mandate. And I just want to take a just reiterate.
There are so many things that someone can choose to take a stand for. Okay, I live in Jerusalem. I’m surrounded by wonderful ministries. And as much as I love the ministries and the people involved, I don’t consider them to be my mandate in life. I don’t take a stand and say, this is who I am.
I take a stand for these ministries. I love them and I want to support them to the degree that I can. But this is something I take my stand for. This is the thing. This is the mandate, this is the dream.
It’s to see the healing power of the Holy Spirit in indie music culture. That’s what I’m taking a stand for, and that is a valuable thing. A person willing to take a stand for something is valuable, and that’s where I’m at. I just want to acknowledge that and so how can you help? You can help by visiting haradonai.net, and you can give to the resources to I what explained, and you can help equip me, not unlike the levite working in the field, you can help equip me to do what needs to be done.
And now that’s been clear. That’s clear haradonai.net/give I’m going to give some follow up pointers in regards to that. And so, number one, it’s a business harder and I is a business. My music is a business.
It’s not an NGO. It’s not registered as a nonprofit organization or as a ministry. The best way that I found a structure over those 20 years that I mentioned is to structure your music as a business. It’s something that I sell music I don’t sell a lot, but I do sell music from time to time, and it’s set up as a business. It also involves a degree of taxation.
This is where I’m at. I got to pay deal with other business things. But just to be clear, this is a business that’s talking you to today. It’s not a ministry if you’re giving you’re giving to a business and there’s receipts and everything, but it’s a business and it’s not a part of another ministry. I’ve worked with some wonderful ministries and there’s a lot of ministries I love there.
I have a congregation I go to. I’ve served in the past with the sugar level house of prayer. Maybe you’ve heard of me through sugarla house of prayer, but it’s not a part of that ministry. As much as I love that ministry and other ministries, it’s not a part of our other ministry. It is as clear as what I’ve had to share with you today.
And also it’s about going out into the clubs. It’s about going out where the music is happening, as opposed to bringing people into the churches or the congregations, for example. It’s like, well, why don’t you put on a worship event and have everybody come and people will come to it? And that’s not what this is. This is not about using the resources and buildings of the body of messiah to bring indie music culture in.
Maybe one day it’ll be like that, but it’s about going to the other places, to the rock clubs, to where any music culture exists, and bringing what I mentioned before, people who stand in holiness and create an anticipation for the holy spirit a little bit more. This is not a kickstarter. If you know what kickstarter is, or crowdfunding or indiegogo or this and that. So if you give to me, there’s no fancy gifts, there’s no autograph CDs and colored vinyl and t shirts, we’re not there. If that’s what this would be about, then I would be spending all my limited time and resources just creating those rewards and gifts.
I think those things are cool, and I’m not opposed to doing that in the future, but where I am right now. I’m not doing fancy rewards for people to give. But really this is what I’m doing is that I’m creating a space for us to talk about transcendence and the holy spirit of indie music culture. I created an email group and a web page and calls like this because it’s not the only one webinars. We’re going to do more of these teachings and that is going to continue.
This is a partnership. Whoever’s on this webinar and the people who are on the email list are touching me. I consider this to be a partnership. You and I together are pursuing the holy spirit and your music culture. And even if you can’t give, you can still be a partner.
You can be, of course, number one, a partner in prayer. But you can also just keep the conversation going, keep it alive of holy spirit in indie music culture and you can come to the webinars. The webinars are planned for every month, so it’s going to keep going.
Do you want to be a part of it? This is just an invitation. Do you want to be a part of this? You want to keep it alive together? I encourage you to do so.
I encourage you to do it through prayer. I encourage you to do it through giving. Seek the Lord and I would love for you to guess and I just want to talk. Drive the image of transcendence home, the Barbie. It’s weirdly misspelled, but that’s the name so you spell it the Barbie.
It’s a rock club in Tel Aviv and that is probably to me that’s the home of indie music culture in Tel Aviv. And that is where I want to see this transcendence I’m talking about. That is where I want to see the holy spirit meet indie music culture. And I want to see Healed Hearts. I’ve been able to perform there, I think, once in the past, but that is where I want to see this happen.
And if we’re talking about the home of indie music culture in Israel, let’s go talk to what I consider to be the home of indie music culture globally. This is debatable. This is what I consider it to be. Would be Pitchforks Music Festival in Chicago, Illinois. We’re in a coveted world or a postcoverted world, so I don’t know what these things are going to look like from here on out, but I want to see the healing power of the holy Spirit fall on Pitchfork music Festival in Chicago, Illinois.
Because so much goes on there. Why not the holy Spirit, the huge stage and there’s so much that happens on that stage. Why not make way for the king and let him be present there? So once again, you’re invited to give and thank you for being with me. At this point, I’m going to ask you if you have any questions.
If you have any questions, we can answer them right now, if ryan, you asked me about the eranic priesthood in charge for the physical priests of people of Israel today. And so I want to say that I do not believe that the erotic priesthood is in charge for the physical people of Israel today. I believe that if anything, it’s the order of malquisadek or malquisadic and Hebrew.
So if there are any other questions okay. And so I want to thank you. Thank you, everybody who was with me for this call. And I just want to say next month, just give you a preview. Unless anything changes the next month, we’re going to talk about a problem that there’s a lot of evangelical support for Israel that comes from the west, and it comes from a generation that is getting older and older, and there’s a turnover.
And so the Millennial generation is rising. Millennials are already getting older and older. And why should Millennials care about Israel? So are we going to see this evangelical support from the west continue when the generation turns over? And I want to talk about that next month, about the importance of Israel, why I’m even here in Israel, and what that has to do with the mayonnaise that I have regarding Indian music culture.
And it’s really interesting that the new president of Chile in the news today is a Millennial who comes to a degree from indie music culture to a degree. He likes some of that music. There’s pictures of him with a radio head hat and a Nine Inch Nails hat. And he was pointed out in the Israeli paper today as someone who is not supportive of Israel. And so a world leader who is publicly listed in the Israeli press is not being supportive.
Israel supporter of Israel is a concern. It’s a concern. And so we’re talking about a Millennial who is a world leader who is not supporting Israel. So I’d like to talk more about that next month. Thank you for being with me.
If there’s no more comments or questions, I’m going to head out. I’m going to give it about 20 more seconds. And I want to thank you. I want to thank you at Fryam for your encouragement during this webinar. Thank you for everyone who’s been here.
It is nighttime, quite late over here in Jerusalem.
Thank you. And this recording is going to be available as well.
God bless.
December 26, 2021