Facebook Lives Vol. 2
12 live songs from Har Adonai. Now available on Bandcamp.

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It’s lonely being an artist. And we’re all artists. How do we get through the loneliness? How do we bring people in to see the beauty? How do we just have fun? Why you need to never stop beating your drum. Why the world needs your art. How to find the value you have to […]
Read MoreCan we be holy? Is it possible? Is it worth it? Yes, we can. And we need to be. The world depends on it. This webinar explains: How to find your true identity (and never lose it). How to truly enjoy culture. How to fully use your power to change the world.
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Read MoreThis webinar discusses: The pursuit of transcendence, both good and bad. The powerful result that comes from the combination of holiness and anticipation. How a healed heart can transform a nation. How you can partner with Har Adonai. Enjoy!
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Read MoreFor years I struggled in life. I was torn. I was drawn to one culture, but I was a part of another culture. A childhood in suburban America gave me a deep love for the beauty found in independent rock music, in skateboarding, and in the modern Western mythology found in films, art, and comic […]
Read MoreIn the summer of 2015, I was on a family vacation to England. At some point, I was sitting in a cafe with my laptop. I opened up Spotity to listen to music. There was a recommendation to check out the album “Borderland” by John Mark McMillan. I decided to check it out. At first, […]
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